Our streams are hosed by Sermon.net
Optional Mobile App may be found here: http://sermon.net/for-the-listener/mobile-apps/
Minimum requirements: live stream should work with any reasonably modern computer (PC and Mac), in addition to most mobile devices (iOS and Android). You can also stream through your ROKU device by opening the sermon.net channel and search for "Messiah Lutheran Church" or "Pastor Mankin". See Roku's documentation.
You can also listen to our services by calling our phone number - 206-524-0024 and choosing option 8.
All Services and Hymns are in the Lutheran Service Book unless otherwise noted.
All music and services ©Concordia Publishing House Used by permission. LSBHymnLicense.net #100010483.
Still having problems? Please email tech@messiahseattle.org if you need further assistance with the live stream.